Embedding entanglement generation within a measurement-feedback coherent Ising machine was submitted to arXiv

Title: Embedding entanglement generation within a measurement-feedback coherent Ising machine (arXivPDF)

Authors: Ryotatsu Yanagimoto, Peter L. McMahon, Edwin Ng, Tatsuhiro Onodera, Hideo Mabuchi

Submitted on 12 Jun 2019

Abstract: We present a new scheme to efficiently establish entanglement between optical modes in a time- multiplexed coherent Ising machine (CIM) by means of nonlocal measurement and feedback. We numerically simulate and evaluate the generation of steady-state entanglement in a system with nearest-neighbor interactions on a 1D ring, and we compare the results to those of a conventional CIM with all-optical interactions mediated by delay lines. We show that the delay-line architecture has a fundamental limit on accessible entanglement that our measurement-based scheme can sub- stantially surpass. These results motivate the study of non-classical correlations in CIMs with levels of entanglement previously considered to be experimentally impractical.