A quantum annealer with fully programmable all-to-all coupling via Floquet engineering was published to npj Quantum Information

Title: A quantum annealer with fully programmable all-to-all coupling via Floquet engineering [npj Quantum InformationarXivPDF]

Authors: Tatsuhiro Onodera, Edwin Ng, Peter L. McMahon

Published on 29 May 2020

Abstract: Quantum annealing is a promising approach to heuristically solving difficult combinatorial opti- mization problems. However, the connectivity limitations in current devices lead to an exponential degradation of performance on general problems. We propose an architecture for a quantum an- nealer that achieves full connectivity and full programmability while using a number of physical resources only linear in the number of spins. We do so by application of carefully engineered pe- riodic modulations of oscillator-based qubits, resulting in a Floquet Hamiltonian in which all the interactions are tunable; this flexibility comes at a cost of the coupling strengths between spins being smaller than they would be had the spins been directly coupled. Our proposal is well-suited to implementation with superconducting circuits, and we give analytical and numerical evidence that fully connected, fully programmable quantum annealers with 1000 qubits could be constructed with Josephson parametric oscillators having cavity-photon lifetimes of ∼100 μs, and other system- parameter values that are routinely achieved with current technology. Our approach could also have impact beyond quantum annealing, since it readily extends to bosonic quantum simulators and would allow the study of models with arbitrary connectivity between lattice sites.